This is Why Influencer Marketing Is NOT an Effective Marketing Strategy

3 min readMar 5, 2021


Many people consider Influencer marketing as a sure-fire way to get maximum ROI and increased sales or conversions, but in reality, that isn’t the case. Influencers are people, not magicians; as such, you can’t expect them to magically up your sales with a few hypes. We all wish they had that power — but, NO, they don’t.

Contrary to conventional belief, influencer marketing isn’t the most effective marketing strategy. We’ll tell you a few reasons why:

It is Expensive

We are not even going to lie; influencer marketing is crazy-expensive. A recent report by Business Insider projects that by the year 2022, influencer marketing will hit $15 billion!

The bottom line?

Influencer marketing is only ideal for brands that have a pretty deep wallet. If your brand is still trying to find its foot financially, please (we are on our knees) don’t-think-about-it. Hiring a top-notch influencer is a serious business and requires a lot of funds.

Influencer Marketing is Risky

Not many people will tell you this, but influencer marketing is pretty much like gambling — you either win or lose. Your brand or product’s success typically on several factors, some of which include:

1. How many followers an influencer has.

2. How exciting an influencer’s content is.

Now, let’s imagine the worst-case scenario:

You hire an influencer to create content for your product or brand, but he/she ends up creating content that is unexciting and doesn’t resonate with the target audience.

We’ve seen this too many times, and we can tell you one thing for sure — it doesn’t end well. You most likely won’t get much from their promotional efforts. Your investment may very well have gone down the drain.

Influencer Marketing Doesn’t Guarantee ROI Every Time.

If you use an influencer ehn, your sales will skyrocket!

Lori iro!

Okay, before you nail us to the cross, hear us out. We are not saying Influencer marketing doesn’t work. Of course, it does. We even wrote an entire article on why hiring influencers is an excellent move for any brand here. However, just like every other marketing strategy, it doesn’t guarantee results every time.

An influencer may have thousands of followers, comments, and likes. Still, these don’t necessarily mean they can influence every person who follows them on their social channels to purchase your product or engage your service. So, the amount of engagement on an influencer’s channel doesn’t equate to your brand’s same amount of sales.

Even if an Influencer has thousands of loyal followers, it doesn’t guarantee that you will get maximum ROI.

Some Consumers Find Influencers’ Fake’

Yes. We said it with our full chests.

Influencer marketing has become so mainstream that many internet users know that brands pay people ridiculous amounts of money to promote their products and services. So, when influencers promote a brand or product, not too many people think it’s real.

According to UM’s Wave study, “only 4% of internet users trust influencers.” Many people have a hard time trusting any product or brand recommended by Influencers.

The result?

You don’t get as much traffic or sales as you expected. For many brands, this can be disheartening and a loss of investment.

Final Thoughts

When you consider the reasons mentioned above, you can see why Influencer marketing isn’t an effective marketing strategy.

That’s precisely why 99BROAD combines other elements and strategies (apart from influencer marketing) to up the chances of maximum ROI for your brand.




Written by 99broad

We help brands & businesses maximize their full potential through - 📍Brand Management 📍Community Management 📍Influencer Marketing 📩

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